Finding the Pension House
Traveling Details
Coming from Cluj towards Gherla on route E576, cross the city center and at the intersection with route DJ 109C that leads to Reghin, signal right, and turn to the right towards Abbey of Nicula.
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The county road 109C, in the general direction of Reghin, crosses road DJ 109D. At the intersection there is a sign saying "Rezervatia Naturala Lacul Stiucii", i.e. "The Natural Reservation Pike's Lake".
So, make another right towards the village of Nicula, in the direction of Sic.
The county road 109D crosses the villages Nicula, Bont and Sacalaia. After the village Sacalaia, on the left side of the road, you can find Pension Pike's Lake (Pensiunea Lacul Stiucii).